Friday, April 18, 2014

Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa

Sign at the entrance of the college and private school.

The entire college is enclosed in a 5' high brick wall with electric security wires on top.
The buildings all have bars on the doors and windows to prevent thieves from accessing any buildings.
The buildings you see here are the Primary School.  The rounded structure are teacher offices.  Approximately 400 students attend this school.  It is private and under the jurisdiction of the Principal, missionary David Mosher.

The Kitchen where meals are prepared for boarding high school students as well as college students.

A wood fire is still used to cook much of the food.  The meals usually include maize porridge, rice, beans, and vegetables.

Another picture of the Kitchen

Scenes of the College Campus
 The Library. Lynda asked the librarian if any of the books in the library came from Christian Literature for Africa. He told her that a lot of them come from CLA.

The campus also has a private pre-school.

The main college building. This building houses the faculty and administrative offices, the secretaries office, the chapel and several classrooms.

The high school building. There are offices for the Headmaster and Assistant Headmaster. There is a staff lounge and four large classrooms. Their "technology" includes a chalkboard and chalk.

Windows into the Chapel. Notice the bars on the windows.

This is the door we enter every Monday through Friday at 6:30 a.m. The computer lab, our classroom, and the Principal's Office are straight ahead.

The road looking from the main building back toward the entrance to the main road.

 The campus looking in another direction.

Another view of the campus from the main building.  Notice the wood pile on the right.  That is wood used for the cooking

Lynda was trying to get a picture of the crows. They are black with white bellies and a white strip around their necks.

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