David and Marquita Mosher have been missionaries for over 30 years in Africa. They have made us very welcome in their home. Marquita is a great cook. George may not make his goal to lose 25 lbs.
Lynda took this picture across the table at a local steak restaurant called The Spur-Pensacola. Lynda was teasing David that he looked Amish or Mennonite with his beard so he buttoned his top button to fit the part!
The front yard of the home of David and Marquita
Looking at the right side of the house from the corner of the lot.
We are quite safe in the missionaries' home. Notice the bars on the window.
We sleep on a King Sized bed with a mosquito net that looks like a royal canopy.
Looking from the garage you can see the inside of the security gate. Look closely and you will see the electric security fence at the top of the wall.
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