Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 29th (Malawi Time)
We arrived in Malawi at noon. Twenty-four hours and 45 minutes after leaving the US.
The first checkpoint wanted to see our immunization record. Of course, George had transferred it into the large carry-on piece of luggage.
We had to get out of line so that George could dig it out. We got through that line and headed to the Immigration checkpoint.
Oh, bye the way, George had a "special" passport holder that you wear around your neck. He thought he was special.
While waiting in line for immigration George noticed that his passport was not where it was supposed to be (in his "special" passport holder). He started to panic!
What had happened was that when he bent over to look for his immunization record in the suitcase, it fell out into the suitcase. He was so relieved to find it. We don't know what we would have done had we not found it. Good thing God was watching over us.

1 comment:

  1. I love the taste of the African air when you first step off the plane. I find it unique no matter where I travel on the continent and no matter what time of the year!
