Sunday, March 30, 2014

Friday March 28 8:09 am we headed to Dulles International Airport from Arlington, VA. It was hard leaving our grandson and his parents but we were on a "mission"
We stopped to put gas in the rental car and decided it would be easier to get out onto the main road by going the back streets. This got us headed in the wrong direction.
George (and the GPS) got us back on the correct road. George followed two cars through the intersection, turning left. As he made the turn, the light turned red.  He kept going only to discover the lights of a police car pulling him over to the side.
The office asked, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" to which George replied, "Because the light turned red as I went through it?" He responded, "No, it was because you didn't yield to the pedestrians wanting to cross the street."
After a brief period of time, the office let us off with a warning.

1 comment:

  1. Did you tell Arlington's finest you were on your way to catch a flight to Malawi?
