Sunday, March 30, 2014

Home of our missionary hosts.

David and Marquita are our hosts. We are staying in their lovely home.  We have our own bathroom with hot water!

March 30th (Sunday)
Off to church. The church is on the compound of Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa (NTCCA). There were about 50 people in attendance. The singing was lively, Sunday School was enjoyable, and preaching was good. We really enjoyed the singing. There were several special music presentations. Though, the service was in English, the special music was all in the local Malawi language. We could not sing along, but enjoyed listening to them sing. You can listen too, by clicking on the video.  Be sure your speakers are on.
March 29th The missionaries were waiting for us as we exited the customs inspection area. We headed to the missionaries' home.
The missionaries' live in a wonderful three bedroom, three bedroom house with large ceramic tile floors throughout.
We have our own bedroom and private bath. We have a queen sized bed that is draped in a mosquito net. It is very comfortable. We slept well!
March 29th (Malawi Time)
We arrived in Malawi at noon. Twenty-four hours and 45 minutes after leaving the US.
The first checkpoint wanted to see our immunization record. Of course, George had transferred it into the large carry-on piece of luggage.
We had to get out of line so that George could dig it out. We got through that line and headed to the Immigration checkpoint.
Oh, bye the way, George had a "special" passport holder that you wear around your neck. He thought he was special.
While waiting in line for immigration George noticed that his passport was not where it was supposed to be (in his "special" passport holder). He started to panic!
What had happened was that when he bent over to look for his immunization record in the suitcase, it fell out into the suitcase. He was so relieved to find it. We don't know what we would have done had we not found it. Good thing God was watching over us.
March 28th We arrived at the airport, returned the rental car, and made it to the gate with time to spare. The Ethiopian Airlines 787 Dreamliner departed on time (11:15 am), Fortunately, there was no one in the third seat so we had additional space in which to spread out.
We were served breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The food wasn't bad for an airline.
Lynda got to read her eBooks, and George got to watch movies on the seat back video display.
We both enjoyed watching the display detailing the map of our flight (in real time) as well as the speed, outside temperature, and flight time remaining
Lynda got a few hours sleep but George was unable to sleep even though he used his new, portable CPAP.machine.
We arrived in Addis Ababada, Ethiopia at 6:00 am Ethiopian time. (12 1/2 hours from when we left the US.

We had a 3 hour wait to  board the next flight. They made us go through the security checkpoint again.
George decided to rearrange his two carry-on luggage pieces. He took all his paperwork from his briefcase, putting it in the larger suitcase and placed his CPAP machine and battery pack in the briefcase, while waiting for our next flight.

We boarded the Boeing 737 and took off at 9:20 a.m.
Friday March 28 8:09 am we headed to Dulles International Airport from Arlington, VA. It was hard leaving our grandson and his parents but we were on a "mission"
We stopped to put gas in the rental car and decided it would be easier to get out onto the main road by going the back streets. This got us headed in the wrong direction.
George (and the GPS) got us back on the correct road. George followed two cars through the intersection, turning left. As he made the turn, the light turned red.  He kept going only to discover the lights of a police car pulling him over to the side.
The office asked, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" to which George replied, "Because the light turned red as I went through it?" He responded, "No, it was because you didn't yield to the pedestrians wanting to cross the street."
After a brief period of time, the office let us off with a warning.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Last weekend we completed the Mission Corps' Cross Cultural Orientation. It was very informational. We learned a lot that will help us on our assignment.